Marketing and Advertising agenda for Rich and Rich Home Opportunities. Rich and Rich Home Opportunities is working diligently on expanding services. The company is seeking entrepreneurs, home based business owners, those who are serious about starting and maintaining a business. There will be information posted on YouTube and Blog Talk Radio on June 4, 2021 with focus on website design, adsense, blogging, and more. The Blog Talk Rado show will be summarized and placed on YouTube and other media. If you are interested in being a co-host, please contact us via email at desiree@richandrichhomeopportunities. The Rich and Rich Co-op Advertising network is also available along with FaceBook for more information from Rich and Rich Home Opportunities. A list of links will be posted via blog for more information to engage participants and also start with individual personal developement. There will be seminar that will be completed for members who are on with downloadable content on and, on June 5, 2021
